Welcome to The Flow!
Thank you for your interest in experiencing what God is doing around the world. Our goals are straightforward:
1) Find places and people where God is dynamically and visibly transforming lives and making new disciples of Jesus.
2) Inform and connect you with those places and people where God is clearly at work.
3) Resource and encourage front line ministries and mission workers who are serving God to transform lives.
The Flow exists to help you see God’s power at work around the world so that you can live out your passion and commitment to Jesus. Check out our Mission Works on this site! From India to the Philippines, from Kenya to Idaho, from Russia to Croatia and beyond, God and his workers are doing incredible things. Your engagement makes all the difference!
Come back regularly to our website. Through this blog, I will provide you with weekly updates of God at work with our current mission partners, and I will also share exciting news about God’s transforming work in new places. We are thrilled at the opportunities God has provided to make new partnerships in 2020 with missions in North Korea, China, and additional countries in Africa. The Flow wants you to know where God is working and help connect you to the people He is working through to bring others to Jesus.
Our Resources page has information to support your personal spiritual walk. In addition, sign up to receive our monthly newsletter to stay informed. We believe and know that Jesus is the living water that each of us thirsts for. I pray that through The Flow God can help connect you with Jesus’ saving and transforming power as He works dynamically and visibly in our neighborhoods, and around the world. You make an eternal difference.
Bruce Black
Executive Director
PS – Click on the contact button, or email me at info@theflow.foundation. I am happy to speak with you or answer any questions you may have!