Let me share with you the exciting report below from Eastern European Ministries (EEM)…

"We are pleased to announce that our partners in Greece are currently loading and distributing SD cards with a wide array of Christian content that safely allows refugees to listen or watch on their phones. This content includes complete written and audio Bibles, gospel-sharing films, worship music and videos, Christ-centered essays, and the Jesus Film. Much of the content is available in Farsi, Dari, Arabic, Pashto, and Kurdish languages so that more people groups can be reached.
The funds EEM received from The Flow Foundation has allowed us to provide the cards for our partners to load and distribute. Originally, the funds provided would have covered 2,000 cards. Due to God’s providence, the supplier refused to charge shipping because these were for refugees! This enabled an increase of 500 SD cards (for a total of 2,500 cards)!
These cards are helpful for refugees in transient circumstances because they can keep Christian content with them along their journeys, allowing greater freedom from discovery and persecution. Other ways the SD cards are shared include local Farsi and Arabic speaking churches using them when teaching new believers, and relationships developed through meal distributions often result in refugees being given an SD card and invited to begin a Bible study.
At this point 1,000 have been completed and are being distributed. Among these, 250 have been given for individual (one-to-one) distribution primarily to Afghanis and Iranians. Our partners are hoping to gather stories especially from this individual distribution. Among the amounts being loaded: 1,250 are being produced in Farsi only, 250 in Farsi and Arabic, 400 in Dari, 200 Pashto, 100, Kurdish, 100 Urdu, and 250 in Arabic.
Since these resources are provided through your gift, our partners are able to spend their own funds on other primary mission activities: leading Bible study groups for seekers, developing online discipleship training, providing hot meals, food bags, and skills training.
Thank you for your partnership in this ministry!
Darryl Willis, EEM Regional Director"
As always, I want to thank you for your prayers and your financial support that allow The Flow Foundation to invest in such eternal efforts as this great work.