To help share the love and blessings of Jesus, The Flow Foundation partnered with Missions of Hope International (MOHI) to start a vocati0nal Plumbing School in Mathare Valley, the second largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya.
The Mathare slum is quite overwhelming with up to one million inhabitants in two square miles. MOHI began their work in 2000 with 50 preschool students, which has now grown to 20,000 students across the nation of Kenya. The leadership of MOHI is passionate about not only educating students, but also training parents in a wide range of vocational skills so they can have income for their families. Every element of “school,” for both the adults and students, is focused on Jesus Christ and becoming a disciple. The MOHI organization is grounded in the fact that while providing education, medical supplies, and food is critical, only God can save the nation. On a visit to Nairobi, I was humbled to learn that they had been praying over a piece of ground to start a plumbing school to meet the vast need for plumbers in Kenya. So, the idea for a plumbing school was born!
In 2017, the Missions of Hope Plumbing School began with 17 adult students: 16 men and one woman. In 2018, (pictured above) U.S. master plumbers from Inspiration Plumbing Company in Northern Virginia traveled to teach and mentor these students in plumbing best practices, and to share the message of Jesus Christ with them.
During their rigorous training, plumbing school students spend hours each day learning the principles and techniques of plumbing, and more importantly spend one hour a day in study of God’s truth, and in and worship.
Throughout the past three years, the MOHI Plumbing School has trained adults living in hopelessness and abject poverty to find jobs that provide resources for their families and hope for the future, all while developing a relationship with Jesus. To God be the glory!
In just the past few months, the MOHI Plumbing School has received endorsement from the Kenyan government. This endorsement will help graduates from the MOHI Plumbing School to find jobs throughout Kenya.
This week another class of plumbing students will begin their course work at the plumbing school. The Flow Foundation continues their partnership with the students by providing resources, and we also have plans (COVID determined) to send a group of plumbers to develop relationships with the students, both as teachers and spiritual mentors.
Please pray for these incoming students to come with the hope of acquiring job skills that will change their lives and to discover Jesus who will change their eternity.
Important Prayer Request
This past week, I discovered that several of the mission workers with whom The Flow partners are undergoing serious persecution because of their commitment to Jesus. One young Christian couple and their 2-week-old baby were thrown unjustly into prison without any warning. Please pray for their immediate release.
Christian mission workers in another part of the world also are facing persecution because of their faith in Jesus and their desire to share His truth with others. They are facing unjust treatment from people of other religious groups who see the Gospel of Jesus as a threat.
In our country where we live with so much freedom, especially religious freedom, it may seem impossible to believe Christians elsewhere are suffering because of their faith. Tragically, persecution is real. Please keep these Christians (who out of safety can’t be named online) in your prayers. Ask God to protect them and give them His boldness to remain faithful.