Paul Wert, a mission partner of The Flow, who is in Croatia. Paul is there with the intent purposes of learning more about what God is doing to transform lives in Croatia, and to encourage the leaders and Christians in Zagreb and Varazdin. Please pray that God will bless Paul’s efforts!
Jared Looney leads Global Cities Mission Initiative as its founder and Executive Director. This is a big job with big responsibilities. But in his heart, Jared has always been about sharing Jesus with international people. That is why several years ago, Jared and his wife and daughter decided to move to Tampa, Florida. Tampa has a huge international population. For the past few months, Jared had set aside time each week to spend time on prayer walks through international neighborhoods, linking up with NGO’s that serve internationals, and frequenting businesses and places to build relationships with people. Just recently, God has answered Jared’s prayers and commitment by connecting him to a family who is deeply interested in starting a house church for international people. Preliminary meetings are to take place this month. Please pray that God will guide Jared and this family as they seek to form a church that will be committed to welcoming people who now live in the U.S. but whose homes are far away. Pray also that this church can be a place where disciples make disciples who make disciples.
And finally, if you would pray for the leadership of The Flow Foundation. October is the month that The Flow receives applications from mission workers around the world who are seeking support and resources. Once received, these applications will be thoroughly reviewed and prayed over prior to our annual meeting to decide God’s will for 2022 mission works.
As always thank you to the many of you who help support The Flow’s mission through prayer, encouragement, and donations.
God’s grace and guidance,