God continues to open doors in the Mediterranean Rim to reach Muslim refugees with the message of Jesus. Beginning in 2022, The Flow Foundation, in partnership with Mission Resource Network, will help launch an exciting new ministry to North Africa. A team of three Christian families who have initiated an amazing discipleship making movement in the Caribbean, will relocate to North Africa to begin work there as disciple makers. During their time in the Caribbean, these three families witnessed God bring thousands of people to become disciples of Jesus. These three families will bring the same commitment and faith to North Africa expecting God’s power to again do incredible things in leading people to Jesus.
Also, The Flow Foundation will partner with Team Expansion to send five teams of Brazilian Christians to five unreached people groups in the Amazon region. Training has already begun for these Christians. Their commitment is unsurpassed! Christians had to travel five days by foot or by a long boat ride to reach the training center. One Christian women gave birth while on the boat! Once she arrived at the training center, she and her new child attended every discipleship training session over the next five days.
Please be praying that God will bless these Christians as they prepare themselves to share the way, the truth, and the life of Jesus with people who do not yet know Him.
God at Work in Nairobi and The Philippines
The Flow Foundation partners with Next Generation for Christ for work with two churches (the Kamula and Jamhuri churches) and a ministry to teens called Made in the Streets in Nairobi, Kenya. Thanks to the work of these Christians, 140 Kenyans have been and are currently studying the Story of Redemption (a video series that tells the story of Jesus), and nineteen have given their lives to Jesus and have been baptized during 2021.

The leader of the Kamulu church and founder of Made in the Streets
ministry, Joel Njue and his family

Evans is the minister of the Jamhuri church
Finally, as you pray for the continued efforts in Nairobi and the new works in North Africa and Brazil please pray for Elmer Palacio and the Christians in Cebu, Philippines. Despite the great adversity that the pandemic has brought to their impoverished community, they see God working in dynamic ways in the hearts and lives of their community. It is with great hope and expectation that Elmer and his congregation will plant a new church in a community near them. This will be the second church they have helped to launch in 2021.
As 2021 draws to a close, I ask that you consider giving to The Flow Foundation so that works like these four I have shared in this blog article will continue. If you have been blessed, please share your blessings so that others can learn about the life that Jesus offers. God is on the move in powerful ways – join Him!
PS: If you have any questions, please contact me at the email address or phone number on the website! We are always thrilled to share amazing stories of transformation.