Samalkot Church of Christ – India
In the remote destination of Samalkot, India a group of Christians have been doing amazing work sharing the love, grace, and hope of Jesus with the hurting people around them. Vijay and Sonia Madiki lead this group of dedicated and sacrificial Christians as together they provide help and hope to people who are hurting and hopeless due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read the amazing things this group of Christians have been doing in the past three months as Vijay shares this inspirational report:
We distributed medical kits to 6500 families and opened 6 community Covid-19 Isolation centers with all necessary medical kits because of this more than 1130 people used these centers for isolation and reached many individuals with oxygen concentrators. we purchased 12 oxygen concentrators and shared them with our connected congregations and individuals through which saved so many lives and helped them to survive during non-availability of beds in the hospitals. Thank you so much for helping us to provide this life saving equipment in time of high demand. We also conducted proper funeral services who are left unattended by their families. Later during our lock-down we distributed rice bags and provisions to the hundreds of poor families through the local Churches and provided daily 650 lunch packs for the Covid-19 tested positive persons in home "Quarantine and Isolations Centers” through volunteers and also set up community kitchens.

All these mission efforts opened new opportunities to share the Love of Christ with our neighbors. Even in these difficult times we provided skill training for 90 women through our ministry enable women to become business owners and able to provide 35 families to start their own small sewing business to help them self-sustain and also be able to help their local church. We hope that the women and their respective families will be able to face the long-term effects of the Covid-19 through this sewing and can earn a minimum at least to feed their children in these difficult times.
We provided food for the Children in the villages as they didn’t have schools till August 20th. We are so thankful for all who generously came forward and supported us to reach so many people. With your funds we are able to provide groceries and rice and also financial help to poor preachers’ families a few times as all Church building are closed for long time for which they are much contended.

Because of the pandemic through Relief and Rehabilitation we reached thousands of the families with relief kits, medical needs, and God’s Love. We did not plan or expected to reach these many people. Our activities are covered in daily newspapers and in Local TV news channels time to time. All this we are able to do with the support of Christian community and good friends and family we have from all over the globe. Thank you once again for helping us to help others and be a part of this blessed work.

God continues to amaze as He does his work through people, we have never met but with whom we will spend eternity. And thank God these Christians of Samalkot are working to bring others with them to heaven, too.
Your donations continue to impact eternity.
Thank you.