During the past six weeks, I have had numerous conversations with mission workers who are pursuing opportunities to help with the immediate needs of war-ravaged Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees. It is humbling to see what Christians are doing to help Ukrainians during this tragic time.

Thanks to David Shaner, minister of the Bellevue, Washington Church of Christ (and a Flow Foundation Board member), I have begun ongoing conversations with Brandon Price. Brandon is a U.S. mission worker who was forced to flee Kyiv with his family and relocate to Warsaw, Poland. Nearly 3 million Ukrainians have flooded Warsaw, doubling the population of the city. Upon his arrival in Warsaw, Brandon began collaborating with a team of Christians in Warsaw to find and provide housing for Ukrainian refugees who are arriving there. What an overwhelming task, and such an incredible testimony to his faith and commitment to making disciples. Even amid the loss of his home and their family crisis, he is thinking of others!

Brandon and this team of Christians plan to provide housing for a period of at least six months for these families as they begin to recover and make plans for their futures. This group of Christians is committed to meeting the physical needs of the Ukrainians and to sharing the love, grace, hope, and truth of Jesus.
At this time, Brandon and his team are assessing the ever-changing situation, and want to ensure that funds will be used responsibly. I will continue conversations with Brandon as they discover specific needs and determine what types of funding and resources would be most beneficial. This work in Warsaw aligns with The Flow Foundation’s desire to support works that are ministering to the immediate and spiritual needs of people who need Jesus.
Ukrainians need your help and support! We ask that you support the Warsaw effort that will meet the immediate needs of refugees, and will share the love and hope of Jesus through established relationships. As always, 100 percent of your donations go directly to the mission work you support. For your convenience, use our GIVE link (https://www.flowlivingwater.org/give) and indicate “Warsaw” in your comments. You may also donate by check. Contact me at bruce@theflow.foundation for mailing instructions. Note “Warsaw” in the memo line.
The Varazdin church in Croatia is currently supporting two refugee families from the Ukraine, and is expecting a third family in the near future. You can give to this effort through our foundation. Please note “Varazdin/Ukraine” in your donation.

Ukrainian refugees in Varazdin (picture blurred intentionally)
God is at work! Here are other relief efforts that our mission partners are sponsoring:
Team Expansion teamexpansion.org\Ukraine
Eastern European Missions eem.org/ukraineaid
God’s blessings and guidance,
PS: Brandon shared that even during this tragic time of war, he has received reports of people committing their lives to Jesus and being baptized. Tragedy may help people see the love and hope of Jesus.