News from Southeast India
This past month God has done amazing things through the dedicated efforts of Christians in rural Southeast India. In January, thirty-seven people committed their lives to Jesus and were baptized. These new disciples are now experiencing the love, grace, and forgiveness of Jesus as well as the acceptance and community of their new local churches.

The Flow also supports the work of the SWAN ministry in this region. SWAN’s mission is to
share the love of Jesus through training women to develop a personal tailoring business. As of now, 75 women are engaged in tailoring/ sewing training and spiritual teaching in four different areas in Southeast India. Sonia Madiki, who leads this ministry, is empowering women to leave their situations of despair. This past year, six women, who were sex workers, left their former way of life, now able to support their families! Through the SWAN tailoring ministry, these women have discovered the hope and life Jesus offers. In the past month, ten of the 75 trainees have begun to attend local Sunday worship and three of the women have accepted Jesus and have been baptized.

Here is a graduate receiving her own sewing machine!
Vijay Madiki, a key Christian leader in this region of India, continues to meet monthly to encourage and train 250 rural preachers. Vijay travels four times a month to meet groups of 60-70 ministers. These preachers then go and share Jesus in their local communities. God is clearly blessing their efforts.

However, just weeks ago, one of the preachers suffered a knife attack at his home in the middle of the night by Hindu extremists. Thankfully he is now out of danger and his body is healing. Vijay asks that we continue to pray for him and, if possible , to provide financial assistance as his friend recovers from his injuries.
Your prayer and financial support are helping to bring the transforming power of God into the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Please share with others what God is doing through these dedicated Christians and churches. And please consider giving through The Flow to this important work. If you would like to contribute to the medical care of our brother from India, then please contact us and we will ensure that the funds go directly to him. 100% of your donations to the FLOW go to mission workers!