Eastern European Missions (EEM) has been providing Bibles in various language translations to seekers in Eastern Europe for decades. In many Eastern European and Middle Eastern cultures being given a book, especially a book like the Bible, is a great honor. Once received, these gifted Bibles are treasured and read with reverence.
In recent years EEM has faced a daunting challenge: Finding a safe method to distribute the Bible to Muslims who could be persecuted and injured for simply possessing the book. Thankfully, they created a brilliant solution…to place Arabic and Farsi translations onto SD cards to be inserted into their phones, which also allows them to share the Word discreetly.
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, The FLOW has partnered with EEM to provide mission workers in the Mediterranean Rim with 2,000 of these SD cards - 1,000 in Farsi and 1,000 in Arabic. It is amazing how technology has helped to SAFELY put God’s Word into the hands of seekers.
As I write this, I think of how EEM, in a powerful way, is helping to fulfill Jesus declaration in Matthew 24:35: “Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.”
A special thank you to all our donors who helped make it possible for 2,000 people (and their friends and family) to possess their own personal Bible. These are people whom we may never meet this side of heaven, but who now have access to God’s truth, love, and grace.
Pray for the missionaries, and the future Jesus followers to be kept safe from harm, and that many would come to know Him.Learn more about Eastern European Missions at: eem.org