The Flow Foundation provides funding for five Brazilian missionaries who work in the Amazon region of Brazil. There are nearly one million Indians in the region, and 400 tribes, each with their own culture and language. Some tribes have had contact with the outside world for over 500 years, others have never had contact with anyone outside their tribe. As you can imagine, the work of the missionaries is so dangerous that we are unable to share specific names and pictures. Each week these mission workers share the message of Jesus with people who live in tribal villages where the name Jesus has never been heard. In doing so they place their lives at great risk.
(Photos are stock pictures and do not
represent real people or situations)

Access to each village is completely controlled by the local village chief. For months, mission workers spent time in daily prayer asking God to open the hearts of the village chiefs. These Christians prayed that God would change the hearts of the chiefs to allow them entry so they could share the message of Jesus with the villagers.
These prayers have been answered in the most astonishing ways. One chief not only denied entry, but was hostile to Christians and Christianity. However, during a recent election, the former chief was ousted and a new village chief was elected. This new chief has welcomed Christian workers. Missionaries are now developing relationships with villagers, praying for them. and even traveling to other villages because the new chief is introducing them to other village chiefs.
In another village, the chief was also resistant to the missionary visiting his village. The missionary kept in contact and told the chief he would continue to pray for his village. This “one-way” communication continued for months as the missionary simply informed the chief he was continuing to pray for him and his villagers. Surprisingly, the chief reached out to the missionary and asked him to come and pray for a villager who had become seriously ill. The missionary traveled quickly to the village and found a man who was in great pain. The missionary stayed by this sick person’s side and prayed. God answered the prayer. The villager was healed, and his health was completely restored. The missionary was welcomed with open arms by the chief and the entire village community.
Another mission worker has been able to help young men of one village to find educational opportunities in a neighboring large city. This has built a bridge of trust with the village chief and the villagers. He now has been accepted by the village and freely teaches about Jesus.
In the last month, these mission workers have led three people to be baptized. One of the three people baptized is a village witch doctor. This month, four more people from one village have accepted Jesus as their Lord and will be baptized soon.
As we receive monthly reports of the transforming work that God is doing in these tribal villages, I am reminded of the stories in the book of Acts in the Bible. Through these stories we learn:
In Acts, the Holy Spirit records how early Christian missionaries traveled to places where the name of Jesus had never been spoken.
How in the early days of Christianity, the grace and mercy of Jesus changed lives and cultures in faraway places. In villages and cities named Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Philippi and Ephesus where civic leaders (the chiefs of their day) saw Christianity as a threat, and idol makers and healers (the witch doctors of their communities,) violently opposed these first missionaries (Acts 19).
AND, how, amidst all kinds of adversity, the way, truth and life of Jesus prevailed. God’s power changed the course lives, cultures, and history then, and Jesus is still changing lives, culture and history in the Amazon region of Brazil.
Here are prayer requests from these Brazilian missionaries:
Pray for a new meeting space where new Christians and seekers can meet.
Pray for one village chief to accept the teaching of Jesus he is now receiving.
Pray that in one village, leaders will soften their hearts and not pose a threat to mission workers teaching the truth and love of Jesus with villagers.
Each of these mission workers need prayer support and financial support. Please consider both!
If you have any questions please contact me at bruce@theflow.foundation