One month after Typhoon Rai (also called Odette) ripped through the Philippines, many people around Cebu remain without electricity, food, and the ability to work. Due to your generosity, the church in the suburb of Babag, is providing food and rice to people that live near the church building. This past Tuesday, the church distributed food and supplies to thirty-five families. Two days later, the Babag church handed out food to one hundred people. In the pictures below you will see Elmer Palacio, lead minister of the church, speaking about God’s love with those in need.

We cannot begin to express what your generosity and concern means to us! The FLOW is blessed to be able to provide funds for those in need during this natural disaster. Thank YOU!
Want to be more involved in missions…no matter where you live?
This year The Flow is asking each mission worker with whom we partner to keep a monthly record of three personal activities and daily habits that are linked to large numbers of people (disciple-making movements around the globe) becoming followers of Jesus. Researchers who have studied the history of disciple-making movements have found that these three daily habits are pivotal to the success of these movements.
These three activities are:
1. Minutes spent in prayer for people who do not know Jesus to come to Him.
2. Number of times they invite someone to study the Bible or attend a worship assembly.
3. Number of times they share the gospel story or their own personal “faith story.”
I would ask you to join me and all the mission workers with whom The Flow partners, to pray daily for people you know (and do not know) to come to know about Jesus’ way, truth, and life.
1. Record specifically how many minutes you spend each month in this prayer.
2. Record specifically how many times a month you invite someone to study the Bible or to worship with you.
3. And finally, record specifically the number of times a month that you share the gospel story or your personal story of how you became a follower of Jesus
If you wish, you can share your numbers with me at we will add them to our tally for all our mission workers, anonymously of course! This data will be aggregate data, not specifying any person or persons.
We will keep a monthly record of these “numbers” throughout 2022. Not only will we keep a record of what “we” can do to help people to become disciples, we will also be keeping track of what only God can do in making disciples in 2022:
1. The number of people who accept Jesus as their Savior and are baptized
2. The number of new disciple groups and churches that are formed
I am excited to see what God does through Christians praying, inviting, and sharing the truth and love of Jesus with others 2022!
Remember: You do not have to move to another country to be a part of God’s mission. You can start where you are. Join with us this year in praying, inviting, and sharing the story of Jesus.