In recent blog articles I have shared The Flow Foundation’s involvement and support of Christian leaders who are boldly working in both southeast India (due to safety concerns I cannot mention the actual location) and Cebu, Philippines. The situations in both of these countries have greatly worsened.
As you are aware from multiple global media outlets, the Covid-19 virus is running uncontrolled through India. In the past two weeks, along with thousands of other of Indian citizens, the virus has tragically cut short the life of a rural Indian preacher. The Philippines also is under siege because of the uncontrolled spread of the Covid-19 virus. Hospitals are filled to capacity and basic medical and food supplies are unavailable.
Yet, for all the people who are being infected by the virus, there may be more people impacted by the economic fallout of Covid-19. In these two countries, where large segments of the population live in unimaginable poverty, strict stay-at-home governmental decrees make it impossible for people to work, and in turn earn money to feed their families. The devoted Christian leaders in both India and Cebu, inform us that the people of their communities are in desperate need. If people get sick, they have no hope of medical treatment. Also, since they are confined to home and unable to work, people have no money to pay for food. These Christian leaders and their fellow Christians are doing all they can to help meet the pressing needs of the communities they serve, but they are in desperate need of funds to buy food and basic medical supplies to distribute to people who live in fear of getting sick and starving to death.
Just this week, The Flow Foundation sent funds to help with the urgent needs of people in India, and we helped in a similar way in Cebu a few weeks ago. But we need your financial help! As always, The Flow’s promise is that 100 percent of your donated money will go directly to support mission efforts. In this case, your funds will purchase medical supplies and food to sick and hungry people. The purpose to fulfil Jesus’ directive to care for the hungry and hurting.
Now is the time to act. https://www.flowlivingwater.org/give
As our nation seems to be turning the corner to life beyond the pandemic, people in other countries struggle to find hope. Please be praying for the people who are suffering and ask God to help us to ease their suffering. We want to show them hope through His mercy and grace by Him working through us.
I will keep you updated.