Camps are an integral part of sharing Christ in Croatia (and other parts of Europe). Croatian Christians have found that camps provide uninterrupted time for having fun, developing relationships, and providing time for discussions and teaching about Jesus. This summer Christians in Croatia have held week-long day camps for kids and overnight camps for teens and adults.
On the coast of Croatia three overnight camps were hosted by the Varazdin church and the Croatia for Christ ministry. At these separate camps, dozens of Christians spent a week involved in stimulating discussions about Jesus and His plan for their lives. As a result, three adults gave their lives to Jesus and were baptized in the Adriatic Sea.

Sara is baptized at a camp for teens

Darinka and David give their lives to Jesus during Family Camp
“Something More,” a Zagreb ministry committed to sharing Jesus with teens and their families, also hosted several summer camps. A remarkable aspect of these camps is that young people who were former campers love the experience so much that they return as volunteers and leaders of the camps who serve younger children. Through the teens' continued involvement in camps, Something More leaders can deepen relationships and continue to teach about Jesus in deeper ways. The number of returning teens has grown so much that Something More Ministry hosted two overnight camps this summer focused on the older teen volunteers. During these two camps teens began asking more about Jesus’ truth and grace and future Bible studies were planned after the teens returned home.

Campers and volunteers at 2021 Champs Day Camp in Zagreb, Croatia
Thanks to your donations to these three Croatian ministries, seekers are learning about Jesus from Christians in their own culture and community.
Please keep these Croatian Christians in your prayers as they dedicate their lives to making new disciples for Jesus.