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Be a Pray-er

Writer's picture: Bruce BlackBruce Black

Though I was a minister for nearly 40 years, I was much more of a “talker” about prayer than a “practitioner” of prayer. I’ve known all my life that prayer was important, but I never really put prayer into regular practice.

However, in the last few months things have changed for me.

Through study and training, I discovered that prayer is the first and foremost practice that all disciple-making movements throughout history have in common. That’s right, prayer. Historic movements that made and grew disciples around the world all started, and have been sustained by, extraordinary prayer spoken by ordinary people.

Learning this truth was the motivation I needed to become a prayer-practitioner. I now know that if I want to see God begin new disciple-making movements, I must pray for His power and love to move.

Here’s how I started:

· I committed to get up 45 minutes earlier every morning to pray.

· I committed to pray for certain people and mission works.

· I asked those people the day before I prayed for them to share prayer needs with me.

· I committed to write out my prayers so I could keep track of God’s answers.

· I made myself accountable to a group of people and gave them permission to keep me on track.

Note: Thank you to Caleb Southerland of MRN for this prayer strategy!

It has been amazing three months. I have seen God’s power at work and experienced the joy of answered prayer.

  • Nevenka, a seeker of God, gave her life to Jesus and was baptized in Varazdin, Croatia (In Croatia where .001 of the population are born-again Christians it typically takes eight years for someone to come to Christ!)

  • The Settlemoirs returned safely to Kenya

  • Young Cho was protected from getting the Corvid-19 virus while in China

  • Christians in Peru have contacted James Nored to come and share the Story of Redemption and train them how to more effectively share Jesus with the people of their communities and country.

  • Elmer Palacio has been able to share Jesus in a fearful Cebu, Philippines where the airport and seaports are now closed to any incoming travelers.

  • Missionaries we work with in dangerous countries in East Africa courageously share Jesus and are witnessing many commit their lives to Jesus.

If you’re like me and have been someone who talks about prayer rather than a being prayer practitioner, I hope you will join me in setting aside a few minutes every day and to pray. Trust me on this…your life will be blessed in two ways:

1. You will have a front row seat to witness God’s power at work

2. You will see how God works through your prayers to bless others and bring people to Christ.

Please pray for me to stay committed to prayer.


PS One prayer request…Please pray that the fear that our world is experiencing due to the novel Covid-19 virus opens their hearts to God’s saving power and the eternal life and safety Jesus has for all.

PPS: Check out lesson two of the Zume Project under our Resources tab Resources. You will receive additiional instruction on how to become a dedicated and effective pray-er.



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